Monday, April 16, 2018

Romeo and Juliet Castle

The castle inspired the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet castle is located just 30min away from Vicenza.

 At the moment the Juliet Castle is a restaurant, but you can still visit the castle free of charge. From Juliet castle there is a nice view, so is better if you choose a day without clouds for this visit. There is a big parking for your vehicle at the Juliet castle.

Castles of Romeo and Juliet are 300 meters away from each other.  Their actual names are Castello della Villa (Romeo) and Castello Bellaguardia (Juliet). There’s another parking lot before arriving at the second Castle, on the left. Inside there are a bar and a restaurant that seemed really nice. From the terrace you will see the nice panorama and the Castle of Romeo.

The Juliet castle is at Via castelli 4 martiri, 36075. Montecchio Maggiore.